Our social protection schemes and partner organisations are working to empower children, their families, and caregivers. We support the government in implementing proper care through family and community-based programmes, as well as building an integrated approach that puts an end to child marriage. In early childhood, corporal punishment is known to reduce cognitive abilities. We advocate implementing the new law that bans Physical and Humiliating Punishment (PHP) in all settings, especially in schools. Our child protection programme creates access to income-generating opportunities for families to prevent children from joining hazardous work. It also provides mental health and case management support to children to help keep them safe following threats to their physical or emotional well-being. Our Child Rights Governance programme works with children to implement child-sensitive planning, budgeting, and investment for the most disadvantaged by creating equitable access to essential and social services. Our work with the government aims to improve accountability and implement policies that promote equity in quality health and education services. Our National Children’s Task Force (NCTF) is the platform where children can directly advocate and influence duty-bearers and policymakers to take action that supports fulfilling their rights.